2001 Texas Science Summit

2001 Texas Science Summit

2001 Texas Science Summit

The charter members of the Hall of Fame represent a broad spectrum of scientific and educational achievement. They include Noble Laureates, astronauts, renowned educators, researchers and inventors, the former chairman of the State Board of Education and world-famous heart surgeons. Several of the honorees represnt organizations that support the teaching and learning of sicence. The charter memebers are: John Blaha, Charles Moss Duke, Jr., Eugene A. Cernan, Dr. Jack Christie, Dr. Denton Cooley, Dr. Robert T.Curl, Dr. Michael DeBakey, Dr. Bernard A. Harris Jr., Jack St. Clair kilby, Dr. Richard E. Smalley, Dr. Gerald D. Skoog, Dr. Steven Weinberg, Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program, Dr, Manuel Berriozabal, ExxonMobil Foundation-Ed Ahnert, present, Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science Teaching- Dr. Kamil Jbeily, director.

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